fredag 26 augusti 2011

Becoming an Airsoftsniper Part 1

For some time now i was thinking of becoming an airsof
tsniper and been using a VSR-10 as my platform for just trying out how i work as a sharpshooter in games. It has worked quite well, but i really understand the importance of a good hidingplace.
So i will now try to become a airsoftsniper all the way.

This will be a multipart blogpost and will be evolving all the time. I will probably make a good long PDF of all this when i feel i am done. Bare with me here and i will be fixing with pictures all the time.

1 First off: The Main Weapon

1.1 Research
I have been looking around for something that would fit me. I have tried the KJW M700 Take-down and the TM VSR10 but they always had some problem for me. The KJW was good with some mods, but heavy. The VSR has light but had so
me work to do on the hop-up which lead to doing the screw-mod on the hop. It would have taken even more money to get it just the way i wanted it. Plus that when lying down it wasn't that comfortable.
Picture taken from

But i had tested 1 weapon that was perfekt in form for me. The L96. I tested a WELL and the problem there was the hop. I wanted a L96 that had it's good form but not a WELL hop...but a VSR-hop because of the rubber in Nineballs Airseal was AWESOME.

So a L96 with a VSR hop that didn't have the side-lever. Hmmm. I remembered that TM had realesed a L96 with the magazine in the right spot and was springloaded.
So ichecked it out. Trying on Youtube first of for a videoreview. But they didn't give me that much. But they answeared my question which was if i
t used a VSR-hop. AND YES!
It uses a M14 like hop which houses a VSR-rubber and a AEG nub.

HOLY SHIT! Exactly what me and my friend tried to do with a screw mod and metal-hoparm with a H-nub inside. The hopadjustment is done on the outside of the L96 so it's easy to reach but it doesn't risk getting moved as a lever on a VSR. Perfe

So i am in the process of getting a L96 with 2 mags for starters. I will get it in OD because i wil be painting it in some woodland colour and if the colou
r starts breaking away it isn't the black shine but still a greenish colour.

1.2 The upgrades
I have placed the upgrades in 3 categorys and decided to go with PDI as my main producer.
The three categorys are: Looks, Power, Accuracy.

1.2.1 Looks:
What i need on my sniper is a light barrel and a fitting for my silencer. So i checked the x-fire website (PDI's main distributor) and found the looks i was going for. It would be a fluted barrel. But it needed a Bull Barrel Base. And then a Conversi
on adapter that takes 14mm CCW silencers aswell as VSR silencers. All by just flipping the adapter. Why i take the looks first before power and accuracy? Because i need to have my sniper quiet and the adapter helps me with that. This L96 is very quiet from the begining but a little more help it will be even more quiet.

I see it as it's better to be really close and not heard than firing a far distance away and really heard. Getting discovered after only 1 shot and having to run away and risking getting trapped or boxed in is not an option. I want to be able to fire 1
shot with noone knowing where it came from and getting away when noone knows where to start looking.

So the partslist for the looks section:

1.2.2 Power
The TM L96 only has 300fps of power since it is not allo
wed to produce a weapon over 320fps of power in Japan. And if i want to get over that 50meter barrier i will have to have some more bang in the gun. And more power means more strain on things. A harder spring will give more power but if i don't fix the inside of the triggerassembly and cylinder i could damage much more than just getting a slamfire.

The trigger in the standard format is a 45 degree and also the pistonend. This is quite good for low powered rifles and in some cases with a lot of work some have got the 45 degree to work quite well with higher powered springs. Well...after redoing all the sears inside the triggerassembly. But i had a 90 degree zerotrigger in my last VSR and the triggerpull was very good. And PDI has their 90 degree V-trigger (also know
n as the newtype of V-trigger, the old one was 45 degree) and i want to know if it up for the match with the Zerotrigger. The 90 degree has the pro that when locking the piston it releases by just letting the piston push it over after you press the trigger giving you an easy triggerpull. The 45 degree has to push itself past the piston to release itself and gives you a longer triggerpull tha cant be reset since the piston is pushing downward.

Putting in a stronger spring will nor only strain the trigger while cocked, but when it is realesed it will hit the cylinderhead with all it's force which can mean that the threads of both the cylinder and cylinderhead can pop open. And that's not
good for the hop-unit at all. So a stronger version of a cylinder is really on the menu.

So the partslist for the Power section is: (450fps spring TM L96)

I choose the HD version because it is no-leak and will give me the best regularity in my shots. The New V-trigger comes with a 90 degree pistonend so i can screw that on instead.
Why not the Laylaxparts in trigger and piston? Because i
want to try pure PDI to test and later i can elaborate.

1.2.3 Accuracy
The L96 is reviewed as a very accurate weapon for it's low power (about 300fps) and been confirmed hitting at a range of 200 feet without any upgrades. So that's about 50 meters. And for a gun to be really accurate at that range with that low power. I was sure that this gun was good. So what did i need for upgrades in the range department. Well none acctually if i was playing with this in it's original state. But i was going
to put much more power in it.

So the parts were Barrel spacers, Nineball Airsealrubber and of course the legendary PDI 6,01mm tightbore barrel. Why not the 6,05? Because the 6,05 has really good accuracy below 50 meters, but my end produkt i am hoping in hitting with good accuarcy and no loobing at 90-100 meters (about 328 feet). So for this i have to have power. So that means this is tha last section to get my attention. But probably i will buy all power and accuarcy upgrades at once to not neglate the acctually most important part of being a sniper, precision.

Parts list for this section: (TM L96 500mm)
And a Nineball Airsealrubber

1.3 Pros and Cons with the Gun

  • Magazine in it's right place (Estetic)
  • VSR hop that won't ware to a righthocked shot or let water in from above
  • Perfect grip for me
1.3.2: Cons
  • The piece that takes out 1 bb out of the magazine is in plastic and can easily be broken with a slamfire. Needing to fabricate one in metal.
2. The Camoflauge

2.1 Research

A sniper can't get close to it's enemy without good camoflauge. First of i will have to have a good uniform that in itsself will blend into the enviroment and secondly a ghillie to enhance me blending in with things that are around me. Later on i
t will be trying to make my weapon invisable.

2.2 The uniform
I need a uniform that blends good with the swedish forrest so a more woodlandish camo will be perfekt. My friend that plays as a sniper during games uses CADPAT and i must say that it works really well in the forrest since the Canadian forrest is really simuler to the swedish. I would much rather have the woodland version of the A-TACS camo, but it isn't due until a year or two. So Cadpat will soon be on the way. Although winter i coming and i don't have a good job yet i can wait and put all my thoughts into the weapon and ghillie. I already have some MARPAT and it blends quite well, although not all the way.

So A-TACS woodland in number one place and CADPAT in second.

Secondly what i will have to fix is a balaclava that covers my mouthregion but i can still draw down easy for eating and drinking from my camelbak

2.3The Ghillie
I want a ghillie that isn't a wookie suit because i do not need a full frontal ghillie, since in my opinion you are always behind something, or if you have to have your belly exposed the uniform takes care of masking and ghillie takes care of your outline. Think that you will be about 80 meters away from enemy so the outline is most important.
Picture taken from from their showcase

So i found one that was perfect. I wasn't a suit but a cape more that covered head,shoulder and back.

It brings me back that it should break my outlines of the body. But if someone is to come close i will be lying on my stomach and not standing up. Plus it gives me perfect access to my front pouches for what ever reason and not being as warm as your usual wookie eveningwear.

3. The backupweapon

3.1 Research
Since my main weapon will be powerfull when i'm done with the upgrades i can't just shoot anyone when they come close with it. Unless i want to get banned from every game ever. So i start thinking. I need a gun that is reliable, something that doesn't catches itself on stuff or can malfuntion because of my way through the woods. I needed a NBB gun that was silent. Of course i know that you all are thinking THE TM Mk23!!!! But is awesome but to big for it to be perfect. Then i saw the Walther P99 NBB...perfect...small that can be used with a silencer in a Serpa-holster. So i can put it on my vest and no need for a droplegholster.

3.2 The Gun
So the gun is a NBB what does that mean? It means that from a GBB (gas blowback) it has No BlowBack that is the slide is static and doesn't have to get moved back. The clear advantage is that the sound from the slide is eliminated and all gas is used to push the BB out the barrel.

And just as the Mk23 the silencer does much more than just look cool.
Why the Walther p99? Well..i've seen and heard it in action and must say i was very impressed. When i was just next to the gun i heard it just as the Mk23. But further away it was almost impossible to hear. And size? Well...let's just say that is you would cut of all the non-essential parts of the Mk23 you would get the P99.

Although i haven't found where it was possible to get ahold of one yet. It is my next quest.


Next i will try to find a good setup of vest to accommodate the larger magazines of the L96. And what more i need in the vest. What kind of paint i will use on the gun and some of the things around like gloves and underneath the uniform.

A good silencer will also be a object i'll be hunting for.

lördag 20 augusti 2011

Svar på Kommentarer: Zombiespel i BF Mala

Svarar på era frågor då ni får se svaret än att ni aldrig kollar på just den delen ni skrev den i.

För er som inte vet vart frågorna kommer ifrån är det från det inlägget som handlade om förberedelser inför ett zombiespel i Mala.

Filmer ifrån spelet:
Film 1 Zombiespel BF Mala (Varning för högt ljud i början av filmen)
Film 2 Zombiespel BF Mala

Pelle sa...

Lycka till i tävlingen för bästa kostym ;)

Du skulle ha sätt Umbrella på det senaste farmen spelet.

10 juni 2011 16:53

Senchoos svar: Jag tackar! Jag vann den dessutom och fick en Madbull Noveske flashhider och får spela gratis nästa zombiespel. Såg lite på filmerna från spelet på Farmen och Umbrella såg enhetliga ut. Tyvärr var det vissa som inte hade läst reglerna då vi skulle antingen ha helsvart eller OD, men ändå var där folk med jeans och t-shirt.

Men tack än en gång för lyckönskningen. Det var nog den som gav mig vinsten :)

Emma sa...

RE spelen är AWESOME. Säg att du hatar RE filmerna!!!!

12 juni 2011 16:06

Senchoos svar: RE spelen är verkligen bra även om de också nu börjar sväva ut i rymden med allt. Första filmen var bra då den höll sig okej till spelstoryn, men nu har dem ju bara förstört allt som har med RE att göra. De glömmer att RE är om skräck inte coola effekter.

Dock en film som är bra och RE serien är RE:Degeneration. och snart kommer en till som heter Damnation som jag ser fram emot. Annars kommer jag ha Dead Island att hålla som högst upp på zombiespellistan ^^
Johnny sa...

Farmen? Det var inte mycket till zombiespel där tycker jag. Massa andra skjutande som vägrade interagera på flera tillfällen så det blev väldigt mycket b-lag och statister för oss zombies.
Tycker farmenarr ska snacka med Hippiesarna om hur man gör. De drog ju folk från Stockholm till lilla Skåne för ett 6h-spel!
Jag åker söderut istället för norrut nästa spel.
14 juni 2011 05:44

Senchoos svar: Måste säga att Farmen spelen känns inte som ett äkta zombiespel som har känslan att zombies tar över. Utan att det är mer att zombiesarna är lite i vägen av ett vanligt scenariospel. Men kan tänka mig att det är svårt att få ihop många zombies för att att få ihop den känslan.

Dock hade dem som gjorde alla zombies make-up. Hon fick det att se DÖhäftigt ut (pun intended)! Men annars spelmässigt vet jag inte hurdan det blev.

Fanns ju ett annat spel som hette The Screamers som inte var zombies direkt, men däremot var fienden redan klara innan spelet och de som skulle spela emot dem visste inte alls vad det är för fiende. Det kallar jag skräck när man inte vet vad fi är kapabel till! Ungefär som motorsågs snubben i detta spelet =)

Anonym sa...

Farmen var det grymmaste spel jag varit på! Kul att känna att zombies var ett lag och inte som på andra spel. Jag har skitakul!
19 augusti 2011 08:01

Senchoos svar: vet att detta inte är riktat mot mig, men vill ändå säga att Farmen har ju sin nisch. I BF Mala spelet var zombisarna Hippiesarna och en del ströfolk. Och just att de var så många blev det iaf kaos då de inte hade direkt en jätte uttänkt strategi. Men som jag förstod det hade zombies radio för att de hade bättre lukt för kött osv så att de visste vart folk var. Men då är Farmen platsen lite större än den ytan som Mala utnyttjade så att radio inte behövdes. Det var bara följa ropen efter hjälp =)

Hoppas att själv kunna dra mig till Farmen någon gång så att jag kan jämföra ordentligt.

Tack för att ni kommenterade och hoppas väntan på svar inte blev alldeles för utdragen :P

fredag 19 augusti 2011

Mercs 7 recap

So after a week of sipping beers and working i have finally got my ass around to write about my experiance of Mercs 7.

In short: the world had gone to hell and stargate gates and nuclear weapons from an other world had blasted us to the past and right now it's very post-apocalytic ruleset that applies.
So what was the objektive of all the worlds still remaining armys was to get ahold of the last natural resources.

Well...who where we? We were the Russians! From about 250 players at the game the russians were a total of 18. So we knew already in the begining that trying to take resources was not a good idea since we were not to hide things in the terrain but only in our base. And since our base was in the southwest corner we could only be attacked from a 90degree angel..and the americans base was about 200 meters to the north. And they were about 100 players.

So our main objektive was to sabotage as much as we could. And that we did. Already after 2 minutes of gamestart me and my group moved in to the woods to take it easy and se how the enemy moves. After about 9 minutes into the game we were attacked by american scouttroops. So our base got overrun pretty fast. But me and my group was about 5 meters in from the treeline and watched Danishcamo troops scout were the sound came from.

After that we keept a low profile and just counted how many went past our field of view. About 3 hours later in the game we decided to take some ground and sneaked into a field of newplanted tree which was very thick. The others had a 2 AKs and a RPK to pull through the shrubbery, but i had my little M4 pistol so that i had no problem to walk around in there.

The PMC forces heard us and tried to ambush us. But since we were first in the jungle of trees noone tried to get in to confront us. One was hiding but was taken out by the only girl in our squad (and the whole game, tihihihi). We then realized that we had to move further in because they wouldn't try to push inwards since 1 was taken out. A few minutes later we ran into some SEALs (not the american specops but a name for the rest of europes forces like denmark etc.). They were quite scared since they didn't want to go in to our realm either. So we had a choise: Go back and encounter a very experienced PMC force or try to take out a couple of SEALs. So we fired away on one poor soul that was checking the treeline. after that a short but very intence firefight took place.

We were taken out and went to respawn. But remember that we are dressed in blue. That's right. The Russian Bekas shadow pattern. And we were sneaking around in broad daylight inside a very green field of trees. So even if our choise of camo wasn't in the most tactical sense our sneaking skills were quite good.

After that we took some time of and ate a real sturdy supper so that we didn't get hungry later on. We were dead so that it wouldn't count as slacking time ;) When we came back it started to get dark so we only tried to slowly take us further in to the gaming area. And by this time we were friends with the Swedish and PMC fraction and were just to go to their compund to say hi and see how they had it. But since we don't have any nightoptics we were in the dark...litterally.

But we thought if we just walk on the road without any holdbacks noone would shoot. We were wrong and our pointman got shot out in a blink of an eye. We later learned that about 98% of the SEALs had nightoptics and about 35% of the we were stuck between a rock and a hard place. We turned in and sleept the whole night instead. Even if our camo is at it's best when the sun is going down it's no match for nightoptics.

In the morning we were walking back into the gamearea and when we sttod at our corner of the map we went in to our base and got shot out directly. Obviously the americans had already taken it over. fun..not!

So we respawn and rush towards the compound in the middle of the map. Remember that the Swedes and PMC were now our friends? Well we join up with them to hold back the americans and SEALs. We succeeded and the game was over.

To sum up the game the russians cleared 100% of their objectives. And this game wasn't to kill as much as possible for our team but to learn how we work as a group. So if you played with us and were quite unhappy not seeing us that much we are sorry but we need to know what we have to work on as a team and not how good we work in a faction.

The good and the bad:

The good: I had loads of fun. Can't say it's specificly because of something but in the total i had real good fun.

The bad:
The russians were forgotten. Al others had tents from the begining and all we got was a white plastic shelter that wasn't big enough for 18 people. Even if we asked in the begining if there was a tent or just a piece of plastic they said tent. Thankfully one of the planners heard our complaints and rushed out a tent for us. And if they thought that there were few russians, there will be less or none at all next time.
Our base placing was maybe not the best thoughtout. I mean. We were stuck between the 2 largest factions.

But still we had fun. So get out and play!

And ohyea...if someone is driving bad and not focused on the road..a newpaper will help...

måndag 15 augusti 2011

Madbull QD Sling Mount Review

I was on a 24h game os what better to test then the QD mount i was going to test for Madbull.

So lets start with close-ups on the product:

First impressions:
This mount feels really legit. No wobble inside of the mount that i have found on some china-clones. The metal is really well brushed. So no chipping of the metal at all or sharp un even edges.

Well as i said. I will be attending a 24h game (Mercs 7) here in Sweden. So what better way to test than running around in the swedish forrest? So the day before i was actually going to install the QD mount and also 2 things in the gearbox. But since 1 screw hade to screw me so i couldn't open my gearbox i had to just take the mount.

So i screwed the Mount on. No Locktite, no other tool than a phillips screwdriver and a fair amount of handpower. How did it hold up? held on perfectly. No wobble at all in the mount even after the whole game.

I had it as a front sling mount utilizing a MS2 sling. And the wear and tear of the weekends game? Some scratches and that's all. Since my weapon wasn't that heavy (ICS M4 Pistol) it maybe doesn't give a good result, but i can assure you that i wasn't carefull with the gun swinging around.

I will put this to a stresstest in the near future when i sorted the gearbox problem.

Next review: Madbull Ultimate springguide V.2

New purchase ICS+Madbull

From now on i will write my blog in English. Why? because i have started to review Madbull products and it wouldnt be fair to force them to google translate my words.

I will first of all review one thing i bought myself. It is actually a build i have in progress which is that i will be fitting a Madbull PWS Diablo frontkit on and also a Madbull ACE Socom stock.


ICS M4 Pistol
Madbull PWS Diablo Frontkit 7"
Madbull ACE Stock Socom
Madbull Delta Ring Modification "Kit"
ICS Stock adapter
ICS wiring (Rear)

The Build:

Why i chose ICS over any other AEG? ICS has a split gearbox which makes it alot easier to upgrade the gun since you only have to swap the upper gearbox. And putting in new springs in the upper gearbox you don't have to fight all the gears and AR-latch.
Also if the gears get stuck or something i can push in the foreward assist ana release the AR-latch.

Why i chose Madbull Diablo kit and ACE stock. I love the game Homefront and there it was a Diablo that dominated the whole MP before the update. Plus i love the looks.

Anything more to know before the build?
ICS is a little like G&P with the threads where the delta ring will screw on. It's not standard. So Madbull makes threads that works with Tokyo Marui Standard. in short terms: metric threads. G&P and ICS make them in inches for some reason. They are very close to the metric but not quite, which will make it inpossible to only thread on a Madbull delta ring. So i also purchased a delta ring modifier from Madbull. This will make the inchthreads to a metric compliant variant. Takes a bit time to fix and you will need a threading lubricant so you don't mess up the tool or threading on the gun.

This is where i am stuck right now. So i am making a list here so that you know what has to be done.
1. Re-thread ICS upper
2. Make a tool for securing delta ring
3. Modifing Stock adapter for ACE stock
4. Install rear wiring


Next: Review of the Madbull QD slingmount